Sunday, 9 November 2014

A Blog? About a Novel?

Yep,  that's exactly what it is.  The idea of this blog is to document the ups and downs of trying to write a novel when you've no real idea what you're doing. Or why.

The type of novel isn't important, it's a type of genre fiction and that's probably as much info as you need on the subject for now.  I don't want to scare of horror aficionados by telling you it's a historical romance or turn off sci-fi enthusiasts by writing about true crime.  Instead this is about how I get on with a novel from scratch.  As hinted at above I've never tried to write one before and my main motivation has come from a sense of "well I could do that...".

So let's see what happens, I've an idea for a couple of opening chapters which I think might work, a style of writing in my head, a list of things I don't want to happen and that's about it.  Oh, and I read "Writing a Novel and Getting it Published for Dummies" about 6 years ago so to be honest I reckon I'll have it done in a few weeks.

At the minute I'm having the "plan or pants" debate - should I sit and start planning or just fly by the seat of my pants.  But planning doesn't seem to just be about the plot, I'll need to plan all kinds of stuff; writing software, character development, new writing laptop, timetable and associated colour coding, blog background themes, world creation etc etc etc.  I think I'm already aware this blog may well become some sort of procrastination device!

If you've been in this situation before feel free to leave a comment below to share your experiences and if you're currently in the same place let's hear how it's going.

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Sp what do you think? Does this sound familiar? Feel free to leave your feedback, hints and experiences (positive and negative!) for myself, readers and other aspiring writers.